Programs & Offers

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Let Linas & Dinas bring you delicious and healthy food that helps you lose weight the natural way.

Meet our Nutritionist

You can schedule an appointment with a Linas & Dinas nutritionist to discuss the basics of nutrition.

Go Healthy!

Linas & Dinas food is homemade and we use only the freshest, highest quality ingredients everyday.


A great way to catch your reader's attention is to tell a story.
Everything you consider writing can be told as a story.

Great stories have personality. Consider telling a great story that provides personality. Writing a story with personality for potential clients will assists with making a relationship connection. This shows up in small quirks like word choices or phrases. Write from your point of view, not from someone else's experience.

Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person. If you try to write with a wide general audience in mind, your story will ring false and be bland. No one will be interested. Write for one person. If it’s genuine for the one, it’s genuine for the rest.

برنامج جراحة السمنة
0.00000  د.ك 0.0 KWD
Bariatric Plan
Recovery after bariatric surgery is a long process, but it does not have to be tasteless. With us, we know what you need and will ensure your taste buds are satiated. We’ll help you avoid the empty calorie, dry, high fat foods. Our liquid foods and soft foods will leave you wanting to stay on the menu for long after your recovery. Suitable for those at stage 4 of their bariatric recovery. Consists of light and simple meals.

Number of consultations: 3.

Calories and Menu details of Bariatric Plan

*Calories range: 1000-1250 kcal
3 meals + 2 snacks +1 salad+ 1 soup + 1 drink
*A balanced diet providing your nutritional needs of the macronutrients (carbohydrates- protein- fat) and micronutrients.
*Suitable for those who had a bariatric surgery at least 2 months before and aiming to lose weight in a healthy way.
*Provides soft and easily digested foods that will alleviate discomfort after surgery.

Set the number of days you wish to subscribe to check out our competitive prices. Menu Items can be customized upon consultation with our nutritionists/ dieticians.

برنامج اللحوم المحلية
140.00000  د.ك 140.00000  د.ك 140.0 KWD
ثلاثة وجبات + سناك من اختيارك : تستهدف جميع الأشخاص الذين يعانون من مشاكل زيادة الوزن والذين يرغبون في تجربة نظام غذائي أاكثر جديه مع احتوائه علي جميع انواع اللحوم حلال محلية ذبح الكويت .
برنامج المرونة
0.00000  د.ك 0.0 KWD
Flex Plan , Including 2 Main Meals + 1 Snack + 1 Salad
برنامج السكري غير منشور
175.00000  د.ك 175.00000  د.ك 175.00000000000003 KWD
Our special Diabetic Friendly Program, including 3 main meals, 4 Snacks & Drink
برنامج سليم وتريم غير منشور
175.00000  د.ك 175.00000  د.ك 175.00000000000003 KWD
Slim & Trim Plan, Including 3 Main Meals, 2 Snack ,1 Salad 1 Soup and Drink.
برنامج افعل ذلك بنفسك غير منشور
85.00000  د.ك 85.00000  د.ك 85.0 KWD
Do It Yourself Program, Program Contains 3 Meals + Snack
برنامج الأعمال غير منشور
100.00000  د.ك 100.00000  د.ك 100.00000000000001 KWD
Business Program:
You will receive: 1 main meal, 2 snacks.
Number of consultations: 2 per month.
*Calories: 900 kcal
برنامج الفيجن غير منشور
0.00000  د.ك 0.0 KWD

هل أنت شخص نباتي ؟ نحن موجودين لأجلك ، من خلال خيارات القائمة النباتية الصحية من برنامج النباتيين. يساعدك برنامجنا على تحقيق المعيار الصحي الأمثل مع الحفاظ على اتباعك لوجباتك النباتية المفضلة!

ستحصل على: 3 وجبات + وجبتين خفيفتين + وسلطة ، وشوربة ، ومشروب.

عدد الاستشارات: 2.

حدد إجمالي السعرات الحرارية التي تتناولها وعدد الأيام التي ترغب في الاشتراك فيها للتحقق من أسعارنا التنافسية. يمكن تخصيص عناصر القائمة بالتشاور مع خبراء التغذية / أخصائيي التغذية لدينا.